Business Is Social, Too

By Fatmanur Erdogan, Hurriyet Daily News Twenty years ago, very few people knew what an email was, and even fewer had actually sent one. Instead, we were passing memos around the office, sending faxes, and calling in the bicycle messengers. A lot has changed since then. The idea of distributing a printed memo around the office seems quaint. People get puzzled if you ask them to send a fax. You can spend an entire day in New York City without seeing one bicycle messenger. Email seems to have taken over the world. Actually though, many baby boomers and Gen X’ers don’t realize it, but an entire […]

Logical Incrementalism

By Fatmanur Erdogan, Hurriyet Daily News  Entrepreneurship isn’t just for the young. You can start a business at any age. Yet many older adults struggle to overcome a major obstacle – which is that they know too much. When “knowing too much” means accurately understanding the nuances of a market, it’s a good thing. But when “knowing too much” means knowing too much of the wrong thing, or accepting a conventional wisdom that’s sometimes wrong, it gets in the way. Take the conventional wisdom that in order to be successful, a business needs to execute a well-planned, long-term strategy. After a few years having that […]