Open Space Technology Workshops

I am an experienced Open Space Technology (OST) Workshop facilitator and have lead workshops all around the world. If you have a complex issue at hand with many stakeholders involved, OST is one of the best methods that focuses everyone’s attention on the subject and ignite creative solutions that are otherwise not possible. It functions best where more traditional formats fail; in situations involving conflict, complexity, diversity of thought or people, and short decision times.

Bildiğimiz PR’ın Sonu!

As a communications professional, I am fed up with the mediocre communications practices. PR as we know it has changed dramatically, yet in Turkey, change is literally impossible in this area. It’s not enough for communicators to be creative and dynamic. Management teams lack significant knowledge and interest. Just in case you are interested in why your advertising is useless, read on. Its because PR has taken over and you still think PR is about getting your boring press release with company financials to get coverage on traditional media.